A little research on the web and you'll find bits of info about our Idol Kris Allen. You may call it trivia/gossip/fiction/fact so take everything with a grain of salt...
Full Name: Kristopher Neil Allen
1. Born June 21st, 1985
2. Grew up in Jacksonville, Arkansas but now lives in Conway
3. Attended College Station Elementary, Fuller Junior High, and Mills University Studies High School as a student in the gifted and talented program
4. Leads worship at New Life Churches in Central Arkansas and is a member of Chi Alpha at the University of Central Arkansas
5. Missionary work in the following countries: Morocco, Spain, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, and Burma
6. Can play a variety of instruments, including the guitar, piano, viola, and ukulele
7. Started playing the viola in 4th grade, became All-State in high school and received opportunities to play in college orchestras, but declined
8. Fan of the Packers and the Braves, and even played varsity baseball throughout high school
9. Married to Katy Allen, a former homecoming queen at the University of Arkansas
10. Kris is a business major at the UCA
12. Has a shetland sheepdog named Elvis (well, at least his mom and dad, Kim and Neil, do)
13. Has one less rib that had to be surgically removed in junior high(he had some sort of cyst develop on the rib that they thought might become a problem. It was like ten years ago when he flipped over the front handle bars of a bike and rupture his spleen and the rib thing might have resulted from it.)
14. He almost died in a hut in the mountains in Morocco. Got REALLY sick, like deathbed sick and lost a bunch of weight. It's some form of hepatitis and something else. It altered his body in a lot of ways and he has to watch what he eats somewhat because of it.

Wow, he's had several medical/health problems! Thanks for posting this info.
ReplyDeleteThat's some disturbing picture you have top left
Hope Kris gets into top 3 and top 2 on Idol!!
ReplyDeleteKRIS is in the TOP 3!!
** Wow **
Poor Allison though, she has an amazing voice and she did well last night.
Gokey - I'm actually starting to like him. I liked his angry look after Simon compared him with Kris last night and said "Danny, you were better" after the duets. I also liked in the results show today how Danny said he laughed all night after listening to his scream, and how his own Auntie muted the TV at that point. Danny was humble enough to not take himself too seriously. Danny also seemed really genuinely sad for Allison, that she would have to go home, and gave her a big hug.
I listen to every song by Kris & by Adam. I listen occassionally to some Danny songs. I listen to one or two Allison songs sometimes (I liked her 'Someone to Watch Over Me'). I listen to one Matt song, 'Funny Valentine', which I absolutely love. I'm not too sad to see Allison go home simply because her style of voice/singing is my least favorite of the remaining contestants. But she is a phenomenal singer. Is she the youngest contestant to have reached the top 4?
Kris Won
ReplyDeleteAdam should have won