Kris Allen was dead last at Loyal fans all over the world united and voted crazy for him but it seemed it is not enough. Now, this will be the first time I myself realized, he could be eliminated this season. Then again, I am confident that the judges will save him if in case he will be dead last this week. Will he be part of the bottom 3? will he be eliminated? if he is eliminated, will he be saved? That's what we're about to find out... in less than an hour...Episode snippets:**The idols sang a song from the year idol was born(2002) - Cant get you out of my head? Omg.. my eye sored looking at Lil's hideous outfit when the song opened...
**Adam talked about Simon giving him a standing-O

Adam: Safe
Kris: Safe
1st Bottom 3: ANoop
**Whoever this person was, he sang a song im not interested in:

**Danny - safe
**Matt - safe
**Scott -bottom 3

**Allison - safe
**Lil Rounds completes the bottom 3
Top 8 bottom 3

**Former Idol Kelly Pickler sang "Best Days of Your Life"

Bottom 3 results:
Lil Rounds - safe
That leaves us with the bottom 2
When Two

becomes 1

and fights for his dear life.....

Unfortunately.... he will go... because the save is reserved for Kris Allen if in case he needs it....
Bye Scott.. VFTW, you need to find someone new!!! sorry...