This is it.... either the fucktards judges win and Kris goes home today... or we win...

I'll be quick.. la la la... the show started with Ryan introducing the judges and announcing that No Doubt and Chris Daughtry (and some other not important people) will be on the show.. la la la.. then the Ford video.. yada yada yada... then the top 4 sung a horrible rock song... la la la... (come on... let's get the show going...) commercial break over.. la la la... they talked about Danny's screech last night... yeah funny... haha... lalala.. Paula performs... arrrgh....i think she is leaving Idol... hope she does...useless bloke...

The first thing that made sense.... No Doubt... la la la....
The real results:

Humble Kris: SSSSAAAAFFFEEEE!!!!!!!

Allison: BYE BYE BYE!!
Danny:i dont care but he is safe
Adam:i dont care but he's darn safe